La Nausée software design

Ordet Press

AppAdvice (Today’s Best Apps)
“Today’s Best Apps features the most promising releases from the last 24 hours.”

Apps on Tapp (Top 5 Challenging Word Games for iOS)
“There’s plenty of word games available in the App Store, but there are few that stand out from the crowd.”

Apps on Tapp
“Whether players wish to expand their vocabulary, keep a sharp mind or pass some time away, there’s a little bit of something for everyone due to the addicting and challenging game play.”

Beautiful Pixels
“Even though Ordet is one of the many word games available on the App Store, it still maintains a class of its own with a suave UI and polish.”

“Ordet is an easy to use and challenging game that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It’s also an ideal app for enticing children and teenagers to build upon their vocabulary and literacy skills.”

Tech News Guys
“For word game lovers, Ordet will be ‘right up their alley’.”

Ordet Press Kit